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Bluesky notification channel for Laravel

Published on: Oct 30 2024

Enzo Innocenzi created a Laravel Notification channel for the Bluesky social media app, and you can find it on Github. We've been using it for a while now to auto-publish new articles on the site over to our Laravel News Bluesky account. If you are new to Bluesky and want to try it out, Justin Jackson created a Laravel list of many active users on the service.

#Getting started with Bluesky with Laravel

It's super easy to get started, and all you have to do is require the package:

composer require innocenzi/bluesky-notification-channel

Then add this to your .env:


Then in your config/services.php file:

return [
    // ...
    'bluesky' => [
      'username' => env('BLUESKY_USERNAME'),
      'password' => env('BLUESKY_PASSWORD'),

Finally, when Laravel Notification:

final class CreateBlueskyPost extends Notification
    public function via(object $notifiable): array
        return [
    public function toBluesky(object $notifiable): BlueskyPost
        return BlueskyPost::make()
            ->text('Test from Laravel');

#Laravel News Setup

Here is how ours is set up:

class ArticlePublishedNotification extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable): array
        return [
    public function toBluesky($post): BlueskyPost
        return BlueskyPost::make()
            ->embed(new External(
                uri: ''.$post->routes['uri'],
                title: $post->routes['title'],
                description: $post->routes['description'],

Find out more about this package on the Github repo and it has full installation instructions and details on how Bluesky handles embeds.